Pisanje o raznim temama za mene je izazov – inače volim pisati pjesme, a volim i hrvatsku i rusku književnost. Tekst o svojoj školi napisala sam jer su mi zanimljive promjene u ljudima koje poznajem otprije. Moji su prijatelji otkako su došli u Klasičnu postali otvoreniji i slobodniji.
School is my second home
I hear people saying how they’re not happy in Klasična and how they want to transfer somewhere else. I, on the other hand, never even imagined myself being somewhere else. I love going to school and even though it’s a lot of work (maybe not that much work but a lot of stress) it makes my day better. The people I’ve met are pretty amazing and I feel like I can already call them mine.
When I compare my elementary school experience with these 4 months here, I can’t believe how happier I am. I mean, that doesn’t mean that I don’t have any problems now. On the contrary, I have more problems but they are more bearable now that I have so many incredible people around me. Klasična makes me feel safe and it inspires me to become a better person. Being surrounded by so many talented people ignites something in you, it may even show you some kind of hope in the world. For those who may think that a school is just a school I’d have to disagree. I can feel myself growing and changing already. Also, I love how, in a way, we have more freedom than other high schools. We can go out on every break and there’s no judgement at all. There’s no pressure about the way you dress or the way you look so I really think it’s a very liberal school. I like how there are so many music and poetry involved events.
People are really welcomed to discover themselves without having to be afraid of judgement. I feel like I belong in Klasična and as the title says – school is my second home.
Neki čovjek, Strah reče da mu je ime, pokucao mi je jučer na vrata,
A ja sam bila tako umorna.
Slijepa, gluha i bez razmišljanja
Pustila sam ga unutra.
Ne znam koliko dugo će ostati
Ne znam što želi postići.
Pogledom zakovana za prozor
maštam o drugim svjetovima.
Što bi drugi napravili
da im On dođe na prag.
I oni mora da su umorni.
Možda bi ga prepoznali,
Pozdravili se s njim kao stari znanci.
Možda bi ga prepoznali
I zabranili mu ulazak.
A možda bi se i oni predali,
Potpuno se prepustili i dali da im ispuni oči.
Svake noći On sjedi do mene,
Prima me za ruke i odvlači na duge puteve s kojih se uvijek vratim sve više njegova.
Hej, Straše, odi kucaj na druga vrata
Jer ovdje učinjeno je već sve
Mene više nema.
Sa špangicama na glavi
Jedna misao me prene
U snovima na javi
Mjesec čudnim putem krene.
Na ispletenome cvijeću,
U zrcalu se gleda,
Mala djevojčica kaže neću
Ne želi da se odrastanju preda.
Njoj je život pjesma laka,
Čak ne želi ni da glasa.
Ne vidi u čemu je kvaka
Zašto bi netko u odraslog morao da stasa?